Sylvester Stallone is synonymous with Philadelphia. His writing and performances as Philly’s own Rocky Balboa made the man an icon in and of the city. Stallone commissioned the classic Rocky statue, seen atop the 72-step entrance to the Philadelphia Art Museum throughout the film series, for the production of Rocky 3. After filming ended, Stallone gifted the prop to the city. Then-City Commerce Director Dick Doran gratefully accepted the gift following the conclusion of the production, and is cited as crediting Stallone with doing more for Philly’s image than “anyone since Benjamin Franklin.” The statue stood in that spot, by the grace of the city, until they moved it outside the Spectrum sports arena in 2006. And where is Stallone now, you may ask? Is he also now an ornament near the gates of the Spectrum sports arena? As Daniel Campbell wrote in The Wonder Years hit, Hoodie Weather, “Rocky’s in the deep south, I don’t think he’s coming back now,” and he was right. All hail Sylvester Stallone, the Tulsa King.