Snoochie boochies you *expletives deleted.* 28 years ago, Kevin Smith broke out as one of comedy’s most unique yet hilarious auteurs with a black and white picture titled Clerks. Over the next seven years, Smith created a cinematic universe, the View Askewniverse, populated by raunchy, ridiculous, pop-culture-obsessed characters, caricatures, angels, demons, and God herself. After a five-year hiatus, Smith returned to the Askewniverse with Clerks II—his final foray into those characters for 13 years. In 2019, Smith released a sequel to his stoner comedy classic, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, titled Jay and Silent Bob Reboot. Fans got to follow the original Bluntman and Chronic on a quest to reclaim their names–neech. While the reboot was met with middling praise, it reintroduced viewers to a meta, angsty, older cast of beloved characters.After nearly a decade of teasing, a cancelation, and a revival, it’s been a long road to Clerks III.